Regional Urban event Sunday 14th May 2023

Final Details
Covid-19: This event has been organised to comply with current guidance from the Government and BO with respect to the ongoing COVID-19 problems. Please follow any notices and directions from club officals, but more importantly try to keep in mind sensible social distancing, both in the parking area and also whilst competing.
Additional information is required of competitors to allow NHS Test and Trace if a problems arises from the event. Pre-entry requires entrants to acknowledge that they must not attend if they or a member of their household has COVID-19 symptoms, or if they have been asked to isolate by NHS Test and Trace, and that they will abide by the Participant Code of Conduct at all times.
Travel: The area is located in South Tyneside and is approximately 1.5km NE of the end of the A194(M) at White Mare Pool. It is within easy access of both the A1(M) or the A19 and is best approached by vehicle via Hedworth on the east side of the estate. This is easily accessible off the A19, taking the first exit after Tesco supermarket (A19/A184) interchange when travelling from the south, or the second exit after the Tyne Tunnel when travelling from the north, signed Boldon Colliery.
The event will be ‘O’ signed from the traffic light junction on Hedworth Lane / Fellgate Avenue.
Fellgate Metro station is also adjacent to the estate and it is hoped that competitors will take advantage of this form of travel. For those not familiar with the area, the Metro is a rapid transit rail system that serves Tyneside and Wearside. Fellgate is on the Newcastle to South Hylton (green) loop.
Parking and Assembly:
Parking will be at the Hedworthfield Community Association parking area, grid ref. NZ329622, nearest post code NE32 4QD, ‘what3words’ – ///measure.newsreel.axed.
This is about a 5 minute walk from the metro station; after leaving the metro station, walk south along Durham Drive, turn right onto Cornhill (before the roundabout) and enter the gate leading into the Hedworthfield Community Association site. If travelling from Newcastle make your way down from the platform, turn left and go through the underpass beneath the line, follow the path south to the crossing on Durham Drive.
Entries: via Racesignup. Online entries are now closed. Limited entry on the day available. Please contact the organiser to check map availability email Note adult novice is entry on day only.
Registration: Registration / enquiries / download will be in a large white van, located in the Hedworthfield Community Association car park and will be open from 09:30 for enquiries, SI-card collection and EOD.
Fees: BO member £8, non-member £10, junior/student/adult novice £2, dibber hire £1. Juniors are under 21 on 31st December. Note adult novice is entry on day only.
Start: Starts from 10.30 -12.30. Start is located 200m west of parking. From car park, turn left through north gate and follow tapes. Punching start in operation. Courses close at 1.30
EPS: This event will use the SportIdent electronic system. Control stations will be enabled for touch free punching (SIAC) but competitors will need to punch the start and finish control. All control sites will have a backup system in the event of control failure. This involves a tag with a unique 3 letter word instead of the traditional punch. Remember the word and report it to the download team to prove you have visited the control.
Map & Area: Fellgate Estate, scale 1:4000, A4, drawn to ISSprOM2019-2 by Rob McKenna 2021 and updated for this event. The map will be printed on waterproof paper. The map has a very limited legend and there is one special symbol used – a black ‘x’ which indicates a telegraph pole or sign post. Only the larger streets lights on the outer ring road have been mapped.
The area has been used once before and comprises a compact, complex, modern urban estate with no through traffic and many footpaths. It has an outer ring road with a few roads leading into the estate, but these are mostly cul-de-sacs serving the residents and are very quiet. The area is generally fairly flat with little or no discernable height climb, dropping about 10m from west to east.
Safety Information: There is no through traffic on the estate but competitors are reminded to take care when crossing roads and be aware that parked cars can obstruct visibility. Course 7 (M/W 12-) has been planned to avoid most roads but there is a manned crossing point where event traffic is driving through. Courses 1 and 2 cross the outer ring road which is fairly quiet but courses have been planned to make use of a pedestrian island should competitors wish to do so. A comprehensive risk assessment has been carried out but participants are reminded that they take part at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety during the event.
Control descriptions: descriptions will be on the map and loose descriptions will be available in the start box
Facilities: Toilets will be available in the local sports centre, accessible from the parking.
Basic First Aid facilities will be available at enquiries.
Sorry, there will be no water at the finish, please bring your own supply.
Dogs: Dogs will be allowed, but please clean up after your dog.
Thanks: Many thanks to Hedworthfield Community Association for use of the parking facilities and toilets.
- Organiser – Boris Spence, tel: 07946 231571, email
- Planner – Debby Warren
- Controller – Julian Warren (NN)
Courses will follow the classic urban format of 7 courses. The area offers a lot of route choice and demands high levels of concentration. As a result, course lengths are at the lower end of the range. There is no discernible climb. Courses 1-6 are TD3. Course 7 is TD2
Course Lengths:
1 Men Open 6.2km (8.1 Optimal) 26 Controls
2 Men Veteran (40+)/Women Open 5.5km (7.2) 25 Controls
3 Men Supervet (55+)/Women Vet (40+) 4.2km (5.8) 22 Controls
4 Men Ultravet (65+)/Women Supervet (55+) 3.7km (4.9) 16 Controls
5 Men Hypervet (75+)/Women Ultravet (65+)/Women Hypervet (75+) 2.9km (3.9) 16 Controls
6 Junior M/W 16- 2.9km (4.0) 16 Controls
7 Youth M/W 12- / Adult Novice 1.6km (1.9) 11 Controls
Routegadget Do please put your routes on to compare with others. You can upload a gpx course from your watch, or just draw your course if you don’t have this. Generic instructions here.
Splitsbrowser is available in Routegadget, or here to go directly Fellgate on 2023-05-14 (
BO Results and ranking points: British Orienteering