Northern Navigators is an orienteering club whose membership primarily comes from the counties of Northumberland, Durham and Tyne & Wear in the North East region of England. We are a member of British Orienteering – the National Governing Body for the sport and affiliated to the North East Orienteering Association.
The main aims and aspirations of the club are:
- to be the best club in our area.
- promote the sport of orienteering in our area.
- stage regular quality events on the areas we have available.
- provide a social framework for club members.
- develop the potential of members to achieve their personal targets.
A full copy of the club constitution can be found here and a copy of the club members handbook can be downloaded from here.
A short history of the club from its early beginnings as Browney Waders was compiled by Don Smith a few years ago and has been revised to encompass some of the clubs more recent achievements.

We are a small but friendly club with approximately 40 members. Although the club does not have a regular meeting night or club house there is a coaching / training session normally held most Wednesday evenings in a location near to Durham City centre. Also, the Executive Committee convenes generally on a bi-monthly basis to discuss club matters – this is an open meeting and all club members are welcome to attend. Details of the next Club training session and Executive Committee meeting are published on the home page.
Our club colours are red, white and blue and club tops are available from the chair.
If you would like to become a member of our club then please contact us at Northern Navigators for further details. Alternatively you can get details of the current British Orienteering fees and benefits here, club details here and join on-line following this link.
old website This will not be updated but does contain some information not currently transferred. Also, for anyone who wants a bit of nostalgia!