1. Title and purpose.
The club shall be called ‘Northern Navigators’, hereinafter referred to as ‘the Club’.
The objects of the Club shall be to encourage and promote the sport of orienteering.
2. Management.
- The officers of the Club shall consist of a Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer.
- The affairs of the Club shall be conducted by an Executive Committee which shall consist of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and ten other members of the Club. The officers and ten other executive members shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting. If any vacancy should occur amongst the officers, the Executive Committee shall have the power to fill the post until the next Annual General Meeting.
- The Executive Committee shall meet and act as required for the efficient conduct of the Club’s business, at least four times per year. An appropriate officer shall maintain a Minute book and record in it the business of all meetings and the names of those present. A quorum shall consist of four members of the committee.
- The Executive Committee shall have the power to :
- appoint additional officers and to co-opt up to six extra members, including one junior, who shall be entitled to vote in committee.
- appoint sub-committees as may be deemed necessary.
3. Affiliation to the North East Orienteering Association.
The Club shall recognise British Orienteering as the governing body for the sport of orienteering in Great Britain.
The Club shall be affiliated to the North East Orienteering Association.
4. Membership.
Members of the club shall be defined as follows :
- Senior members (21 years and over on 31st December).
- Junior members (under 21 years of age on 31st December).
- Family members – up to two seniors, plus any number of children, under 19, of the same family.
- Group members – school or voluntary organisations.
5. Subscriptions.
Subscriptions shall be due on 1st January each year and are classified as – Senior, Junior, Family or Group.
6. Voting.
All members of the Club present at a General Meeting have the right to vote at that meeting. No proxy votes will be allowed.
7. Finance.
- The financial year of the Club shall run from 1st October to 30th September each year. The accounts of the Club shall be balanced each year and submitted, after audit by two members of the Club, elected at a General Meeting for that purpose, to the Annual General Meeting that follows the financial year end.
- All cheques written against Club funds, shall be signed by the Treasurer and by an officer or member of the Executive Committee, appointed by the Executive Committee as cheque signatory.
8. Rules of open competition and bye-laws.
The rules of open competition and bye-laws will be in accordance with the regulations as laid down by British Orienteering.
9. Annual General Meeting.
The Club shall hold an Annual General Meeting not later than two months after the end of the Clubs financial year.
10. Extra-ordinary General Meeting.
An Extra-ordinary General Meeting may be called by the Executive Committee, or by written application to the Secretary, which is supported by 25% of the total voting membership of the Club.
11. Notices.
- Any amendment to the constitution shall be proposed in writing to the Secretary, at least one calendar month before the Annual General Meeting or the Extra-ordinary General Meeting.
- The agenda of the Annual General Meeting or the Extra-ordinary General Meeting shall be sent to all members not less than fourteen days before the meeting.
12. Alterations to the Constitution.
Alterations to the Constitution require a simple majority at the Annual General Meeting or any Extra-ordinary General Meeting, that may be called under clause 10.