Urban chasing sprint event on Friday 3rd June 2022

Final Details
Covid-19: This event has been organised to comply with current guidance from the Government and BO with respect to the ongoing COVID-19 problems. Please follow any notices and directions from club officals, but more importantly try to keep in mind sensible social distancing, both in the parking area and also whilst competing.
Additional information is required of competitors to allow NHS Test and Trace if a problems arises from the event. Pre-entry requires entrants to acknowledge that they must not attend if they or a member of their household has COVID-19 symptoms, or if they have been asked to isolate by NHS Test and Trace, and that they will abide by the Participant Code of Conduct at all times.
Info: The event is the first in support of a series of 3 events held over the weekend of the Queens Anniversary in June. Other events include a Stockton Riverside sprint event on Saturday and a Newcastle City Urban event (UKUL) on Sunday. Note that as this will be the holiday weekend there may well be some early street parties.
Travel: The area is located in South Tyneside and is approximately 1.5km NE of the end of the A194(M) at White Mare Pool. It is within easy access of both the A1(M) or the A19 and is best approached by vehicle via Hedworth on the east side of the estate. This is easily accessible off the A19, taking the first exit after the new Testo’s (A19/A184) interchange when travelling from the south, or the second exit after the Tyne Tunnel when travelling from the north. This junction, signed Boldon Colliery, is at grid ref. NZ339626, nearest post code NE32 4LN, ‘what3words’ – ///matchbox.stockpile.surveyors.
The event will be ‘O’ signed from the traffic light junction on Hedworth Lane / Fellgate Avenue, grid ref. NZ336625, nearest post code NE32 4LQ, ‘what3words’ – ///elevated.emerge.refrained.
Fellgate Metro station is also adjacent to the estate and it is hoped that competitors will take advantage of this form of travel. For those not familiar with the area, the Metro is a rapid transit rail system that serves Tyneside and Wearside. Fellgate is on the Newcastle to South Hylton (green) loop.
Parking will be at the Hedworthfield Community Association parking area, grid ref. NZ329622, nearest post code NE32 4QD, ‘what3words’ – ///measure.newsreel.axed.
This is about a 5 minute walk from the metro station, there will be orange tapes marking the route for those using this form of travel. If travelling from Newcastle make your way down from the platform, turn left and go through the underpass beneath the line, follow the path south to the crossing on Durham Drive.
Entries: Entries are now CLOSED. There will be NO entry on the day. Entries can be viewed here.
Registration: Registration / enquiries / download will be in a large white van, located in the Hedworthfield Community Association car park and will be open from 14:30 for enquiries and pre-ordered SI-card collection only.
Fees: tba
Start: Route to the start – exit the small pedestrian gate to the north of enquiries, turn left and follow the path for about 260m, at the end of this path turn right and the start is about 80m across the open area. It is the same start for First and Second runs. The finish is about 130m along this path.
There will be afternoon starts, with First runs from 15:00-16:00 and competitors starting at 1 minute intervals on each course.
A separate SIAC battery check box as well as the normal clear and check boxes will be situated before the start lanes.
Call up will be at start time -3 minutes for the First runs. Please try to arrive at the start at the beginning of your start block to ensure all competitors can set off at the right time.
Blank maps and loose control descriptions will be available in the start lanes.
At the end of your First run, proceed back to download in the parking area, where you will be given your split times and a sticker with your start time for the Second run. Stickers must be taken to the start of Race 2 to aid start officials.
Second run starts are calculated on a Base Time of 16:30 plus the time of your First run – this will be an exact time including seconds. For example, if you took 15:30 minutes, your start time for your Second run will be 16:45:30.
A mini-mass start at 17:15 will be used for anybody taking longer than 45 mins for their First run, plus anyone who mis-punched or did not finish, etc.
Course closing time 18:00
EPS: This event will use the SportIdent electronic punching system. In general, for security reasons all controls will be attached to the nearest fixed object – tree, telegraph pole, lamp post or sign post. The control boxes will be enabled for SIAC cards to operate in touch-free mode, but please note that you will need to punch the old-fashioned way at both the Start and Finish for First runs but touch-free mode for the Second run.
SI-cards will NOT be available for hire on the day. Reserved SI-cards can be collected from enquiries before your run and returned as you download. Please take care of your hired SI-card, as there will be a £20 charge if you lose it.
Map & Area: Fellgate Estate, scale 1:4000, A4, drawn to ISSprOM2019-2 by Rob McKenna 2021 and updated for this event. The map will be printed on waterproof paper, if you require further protection then please provide your own bag (A4). The map has a very limited legend and there is one special symbol used – a black ‘x’ which indicates a telegraph pole or sign post. Only the larger streets lights on the outer ring road have been mapped.
The area is new to orienteering and comprises a compact, complex, modern urban estate with no through traffic and many footpaths. It has an outer ring road with a few roads leading into the estate, but these only serve the residents and are normally quiet. The area is generally fairly flat with little or no discernable height climb, dropping about 10m from west to east.
Control descriptions: will be on the front of the map for all courses and they will be in pictorial format, loose descriptions will also be available in the start lanes. Click here for a copy of the IOF pictorial control descriptions.
Facilities: There will be very limited toilet availability from a small dress alterations shop close to enquiries, so it may be better to go before you come to the area.
Unfortunately, the Community Association is closed for the holiday and its other amenities will not be available. However, there is a small cafe, Swan’s Cafe & Catering Coffee Shop, about 300m from parking and 100m from the start, which also has toilet facilities for patrons. If you have time after your runs, please make use of the cafe as they have agreed to stay open a little longer for our event.
Basic First Aid facilities will be available from enquiries.
Sorry, there will be no water at the finish, please bring your own supply.
Dogs: Dogs will be allowed, but please clean up after your dog.
Thanks: Many thanks to Hedworthfield Community Association for use of the parking facilities and to Michelle Angels (Alterations) for use of their toilets
- Organiser – Boris Spence, tel: 07946 231571, email
- Planner – Kate Hampshire
- Controller – Julian Warren (NN)
This will be an Urban Chasing Sprint event based on British Orienteering guidelines. There will be 2 rounds where competitors have the option of running one course in their chosen category (course 1, 2 or 3), followed by another where the second run will take the form of a ‘Chasing Sprint’ (see below).
Chasing Sprint: The Chasing Sprint format: Each course consists of two races – Race A and B, which will be run consecutively. Race A will be a standard format with competitors starting in their preferred start block from SIentries. Race B will have a chasing start, based on the times taken for Race A. The winner of Race A will set off first, at Base Time (16:30) plus however long they took in Race A. The other runners follow in order, according to how long they took on Race A, and try to catch up with those in front. The format means that the first runner (on each course) to cross the finish line of Race B will be the overall winner, making an exciting spectacle for both competitors and spectators.
Course lengths will follow the national guidelines for sprints, i.e. 12-15 minutes winning time.
There are three courses, all with similar levels of technical difficulty (around TD3).
Note that course lengths are calculated on a straight line route and actual distances will be longer.
Juniors (under 16) should be accompanied or shadowed. Traffic on the estate is not a cause for concern but please be aware that all courses are planned to TD3.
First Run
Course 1A – 2.5km, 15 controls
Course 2A – 2.0km, 15 controls
Course 3A – 1.3km, 10 controls
Second Run
Course 1B – 2.1km, 16 controls
Course 2B – 1.5km, 12 controls
Course 3B – 1.0km, 10 controls