Boxing Day Charity Score event.
Monday, 26th December 2022

Results Published
Covid-19: This event will be organised to comply with current guidance from the Government and BO with respect to the ongoing COVID-19 problems. Please follow any notices and directions from club officals, but more importantly try to keep in mind sensible social distancing, both in the parking area and also whilst competing.
Additional information is required of competitors to allow NHS Test and Trace if a problems arises from the event. Pre-entry requires entrants to acknowledge that they must not attend if they or a member of their household has COVID-19 symptoms, or if they have been asked to isolate by NHS Test and Trace, and that they will abide by the Participant Code of Conduct at all times.
Travel: Approach the area along South Road (A177). If coming from the South you need to be on the A167 and turn right onto the A177 at the old Cock of the North roundabout. Carry on past Howlands Park and Ride and the approach to the parking area is on the right, up along Holinside Lane towards the Botanic Gardens. From the north travel up the A177 towards Howlands Park and Ride and Hollingside Lane is on the left before Howlands at grid ref. NZ272410, nearest post code DH1 3TP.
Parking: Will be on the parking area for the new Mathematics building at grid ref. NZ276409, nearest post code DH1 3TN, What3Words This is directly opposite the entrance to The Botanic Gardens parking area.
Registration: will be open from 10.00 till 10.50. Start : Mass start from 11.00.
Entries: Entry on the day only
Fees: There are no set fees for this event, but suggested donations of seniors £3, juniors £1 would be welcome – or whatever you can afford.
All proceeds are to go to a local charity – to be confirmed.
Start / finish: There will be a Mass start at 11.00. The start and finish will be adjacent to registration. Maps will be issued just before the start.
EPS: This event will use the EMIT TFP (Touch-Free Pro) electronic system. For security reasons the controls may be attached to the nearest fixed object to the control location – generally a tree. The Pro system is more reliable than the standard training boxes and can be passed faster. E-tags will be available free of charge on the day, but competitors will be charged for any loss. Unlike previous systems the E-tag is worn much like a wrist watch and needs to be passed within about 10-15cm of the control box, there is a small red LED on the E-tag which flashes for about 10 seconds indicating a successful pass – it will be your responsibility to check. There is no clear station for this system but the E-tag is cleared at the start control and stopped at the finish. There will be a sample control near registration for you to see the E-tag in action and instruction in the use of the system will be available on the day. Lost or non-returned E-tags will be charged at £55.
Map: The event will use the Durham University Estates map. Drawn at 1:5000 with 5m contours (RA4) by Rob McKenna in 2021 using LIDAR data and based on previous maps by Dave Caudwell. The map has been updated to ISSprOM 2019 (sprint standard) and modified in December 2022. Maps will be overprinted with course on waterproof paper. A sample map will be on display at registration
Terrain: Quite a mixture of terrain from urban, around the University grounds, to the delightful open mature deciduous woodland of Houghall Woods. The woods can be fairly demanding both technically and physically, with some steep slopes which at this time of the year can be quite slippy, please take care. Houghall Woods are also well used by local residents, please be courteous.
Control descriptions: Control descriptions will be in IOF pictorial format and will be on the back of the map. There will be NO loose descriptions available on the day.
Click here for a copy of the IOF control descriptions.
Safety: All competitors that have registered to start must report to download before they leave the area, even if they have not finished. Lone competitors should leave their details at registration.
Facilities: Unfortunately there are no public facilities near the parking area, please try to go before you come to the event.
There will be no water available at the finish – please bring your own supply.
Dogs: Dogs will be allowed but under close control – please clean up after your dog especially in the parking area.
- Organiser – Barney Warren
- Planner – Saskia Warren
- Controller – Julian Warren
This is to be a 60 minute score event with 36 controls and an additional challenge for those who want it (odds and evens).
Visit as many controls as you can, in the given time limit. All controls are worth 10 points with a 10 point penalty per minute or part of, overtime. A bonus 5 points per control are available if competitors are able to maintain the sequence of odd and even numbered controls or vice versa. e.g. your first control is even (190) = 10 points, so your second control if odd (203) = 15 points, but if your second control was another even number (192) it would only be worth 10 points. There will also be a “Wandering Santa” who will be carrying an xmas control worth 5 points. The winner will be the person to get the most points in the shortest time.
Routegadget has now been set up here, so do please either draw your routes, or upload a GPX track,; it will add to the fun to see where people went! We were unable to upload split times, though on a score course they are fairly irrelevant anyhow.
Click for the Final Results The Santa control and bonus points for odd/even have been added.
The sequence of controls is detailed here.
Both have been updated 29/12 correcting a time and adding a missing competitor.
Photos of the event are available here courtesy of Dougie Nisbet.