Northern Navigators AGM Minutes
8th November 2023
1 Introductions
Kath Marshall-Ivens, Boris Spence, Debbie Warren, Julian Warren, Allen Banister, Dave Peel, Kate Hampshire, Matthew Foskett, Elizabeth Bedwell.
2 Apologies
Dougie Nisbet, Roberta Nisbet, Barry Young, Maya Hampshire Wright, Nigel Wright.
3 Minutes of last meeting
Minutes have been circulated, all agreed to accept them.
4 Chairman’s Address
Debby summarised the attached report, which was circulated by email prior to the meeting.
5 Secretary’s Report
The Secretary’s report was circulated by email prior to the meeting. Boris highlighted that he has transferred lots of orienteering equipment from the Army league (which is no longer running) to NN. This includes EMIT kit which is available for use at smaller events.
6 Treasurer’s Report
The accounts were circulated by email prior to the meeting, Kath confirmed they have been audited a non-accredited external individual. The meeting accepted the accounts.
6 Election of Officers and Executive Committee
- Chair – Debby Warren, proposed by Kath, seconded by Julian.
- Secretary – Boris Spence, proposed by Dave, seconded by Kate.
The meeting considered a joint Chair/Secretary role, Debby and Boris agreed to this.
- Treasurer – Kath Marshall-Ivens, proposed by Allen, seconded by Dave.
- Fixtures Secretary – Debby and Boris, proposed by Kath, seconded by Allen.
- Mapping officer – Julian Warren, proposed by Boris, seconded by Debby.
- Membership Secretary – Debby highlighted this role and asked if anyone would like to take it on. Allen volunteered, Debby proposed and Elizabeth seconded.
- Junior Rep. – none. Agreed would discuss in future.
- Welfare Officer – Julian, proposed by Kath, seconded by Debby.
- Committee members – Kate Hampshire, Matthew Foskett, Dave Peel.
Other roles:
- Results secretary – Allen.
- Activities fixtures secretaries – Julian.
- Publicity and social media officer – Matthew and Dave.
- Website manager – Allen.
Club membership fees have been put up to £10, with families free although the adults need to pay the individual fee of £10.
Meeting closed at 20:12 Date of next meeting: TBC