A National level event on Saturday 4th April 2022, as part of the “Northumberland Spring” weekend.

Covid-19: This event will be organised to comply with current guidance from the Government and BO with respect to the ongoing COVID-19 problems. Please follow any notices and directions from club officals, but more importantly try to keep in mind sensible social distancing, both in the parking area and also whilst competing.
Additional information is required of competitors to allow NHS Test and Trace if a problems arises from the event. Pre-entry requires entrants to acknowledge that they must not attend if they or a member of their household has COVID-19 symptoms, or if they have been asked to isolate by NHS Test and Trace, and that they will abide by the Participant Code of Conduct at all times.
The event will be the second of 3 events as part of the ‘Northumberland Spring’ weekend, which starts with an Urban Sprint race at Cramlington on Friday, then Sunday will see NATO hosting the Northern Championships at Dukeshouse Wood. Results will also gain points for the UK Orienteering League.GB Junior Selection – The results of these races will inform selections to the Great Britain teams for the European Junior Orienteering Championships (Hungary, 2nd-4th July), the Junior World Orienteering Championships (Portugal, 11th-16th July) and the Junior European Cup (Germany, 30th September-2nd October). The races will also assist in making decisions on the invitations to the Pre-JWOC 2023 tour to Romania in the summer of 2022 and the make-up of the Talent Squads for the 2022/3 season. Applicable age classes are (M/W16-20).
The event will be signed from a junction on the Belsay to Scots Gap road at grid reference NZ070823, nearest post code NE61 4DZ, ‘what3words’ – ///proposals.unloaded.raft. About 1km to the north west of Bolam Lake, turn left at Bolam West Houses.Please drive carefully through the houses and show courtesy to the residents – this is a rough narrow lane with many potholes.
Parking will be on a firm field at grid ref NZ062823, nearest post code NE61 4DZ, ‘what3words’ – ///lightens.strength.caps.When wet it is not really suitable for campervans, motorhomes and heavier vehicles – please contact the organiser for alternative arrangements.There has been a larger than expected entry and we request that competitors share transport where possible.Due to the narrow entrance track all competitors are asked to arrive before 12:00 and vehicles will not be allowed to leave until after this.When leaving the event please take great care at this junction and have a safe journey home.
Entries have now closed. There will be NO entry on the day.
Registration & download:
will be situated in a large white van near the entrance gate and will be open for enquiries and dibber hire from 9:30 – 12:00.If you requested a dibber on pre-entry then pick it up from registration before proceeding to the start.Changes to courses CAN NOT be made due to limited maps, but alterations to start times may be possible.Please avoid congregating around registration and try to comply with social distancing guidelines.Lone competitors should leave their details with registration and car keys may also be left here.
Starts are from 10:00 – 1:00. Competitors may proceed directly to the start when they are ready.The start will be just to the west of the parking area and will be a timed, punching start. Call up will be start time -4 minutes.Please try to arrive at the start in time as most of the courses are quite busy, especially the Green and it may be difficult to fit you in if you miss your allocated start time.A full start list can be viewed shortly in SIentries or can be downloaded here in pdf format, or here as an Excel worksheet.Helpers and Yellow course competitors have not been allocated start times and can start when there is a free slot.Juniors vying for GB selection have been seeded and allocated start times at 3 minute intervals starting from 10:00, but must still punch to start.There will be a separate SIAC battery check box as well as the normal clear and check boxes situated before the start lanes.Blank maps and control descriptions will be available in the start lanes.There is plenty of room for warming up before you start.
Parents shadowing children on beginner courses may only do so after their own competitive run or declare themselves non-competitive.
The finish will be approximately 1km away and will be manned – don’t forget to punch the finish control (particularly SIAC).There will be two finish control boxes and either one can be used.Once finished, please do not congregate around the finish control but follow the orange tapes northwards to a gate in the wall (gate must be left closed), cross the open pasture eastwards to another small gate by the pond at the bottom of the hill, then back to download.All competitors must report to download before leaving the area, even if they do not finish or retire.
Map collection:
Maps will not be collected at the finish. We trust you to not show your map to competitors who have yet to start.
This event will use the SportIdent electronic system. Control stations will be enabled for touch free punching (SIAC) but competitors will need to punch the start and finish control.All control sites will have a backup punch attached to the stake, which should be used to mark your map in the event of a control failure.
Shaftoe Crags, Scale 1:10000, contours 5m, A4 size. The map for this event was re-surveyed and re-drawn by Rob McKenna, winter 2019/20, based on a Dave Caudwell map and updated to ISOM2017-2. The area was last used February 2020. Maps will be printed on waterproof paper. Click here to view a copy of the map.
Control desc.:
Descriptions will be on the front of the map. They will be in written and pictorial format for Yellow and Orange courses, but pictorial only for Light Green to Brown. Loose descriptions will be available in the start lanes. Click here for a copy of the IOF pictorial control descriptions.
Fast, runable, open grassy moorland, with some rough pasture, small deciduous woodland and complex rock features.Due to the recent dry weather many of the smaller water features may not be as prominent and shouldn’t be used for fine navigation.There are some steep slopes and impressive rock features (see photo), although courses have been planned to avoid the steepest slopes.The southern part of the area has many large rock features and some smaller ones have been omitted for clarityWalls must NOT be climbed, all courses will use a crossing point dividing the north and south of the area – this is a gated crossing involving 2 gates which will be tied open.
Safety & clothing:
Although the area is a relatively low level moorland area it can be particularly exposed if the weather turns nasty. Whistles are advised, cagoules may need to be carried and if necessary a sign will be diplayed at the entrance to parking.Most of the area is fast running on sheep-grazed grass, with some patches of dead bracken and the odd bramble so shorts may be worn.There are a few dangerous crags where the straight line route crosses from above and these will be taped with black/yellow tape.The farmer has a single wire electric fence on the north side of the dividing wall but this will be turned off for the competition and safe to touch.A full risk assessment has been carried out. Competitors and those accompanying them to this event do so at their own risk and are responsible for their own safety.
First Aid will be available at registration/download together with information and directions to the nearest A&E facility.Portable toilets plus a urinal will be located near the entrance gate. Sorry there will be no water at the finish, please bring your own supply.There will be no traders at the event, but the NEJS will be hosting a cake stall in aid of funds for the Junior Squad. Please try to support them by donating or buying from them.
Dogs are strictly NOT allowed at this event (a stipulation of the landowners) – it is lambing time of the year and there may be cattle and sheep grazing in the parking area. There may be very limited parking in the lane leading to the area for dog owners.
Individual split times will be available at the download station on the day. Full results will be posted on the NN website – www.northern-navigators.org.ukIt is hoped to publish live results on the day using WiFi – you will be able to follow the progress of the event on your smart phone – link to follow.If you require a paper copy of the results, please leave your details at registration with 70p to cover postage.
Complaints & Protests:
Any complaint should initially be be discussed with the Organiser. If the complaint cannot be resolved satisfactorily then a protest can be lodged with the Controller who will, if necessary, convene a jury in accordance with BO rules.
We would like to thank Mr.Robson (East Shaftoe Farm) and Mr.Leiper (Middleton Bank Top) for their assistance in allowing us to use the area for this event.
Organiser – Boris Spence, tel: 07946 231571, email
Planner – Rob McKenna
Controller – Duncan Archer (CLOK)
The event has been planned to BO Middle Distance guidelines. Basically courses are shorter than normal but with more controls and constant changes of direction.To be competitive in the UKOL you must have entered the course for your age class.
Yellow – 2.2km, 40m, 7 controls
Orange – 2.4km, 60m, 10 controls
Light Green – 3.0km, 60m, 11 controls
Short Green – 3.2km, 75m, 16 controls – M75-M80, W16, W55-W80
Green – 4.0km, 95m, 19 controls – M16, M65, M70, W18, W20, W45, W50
Blue – 5.0km, 100m, 23 controls – M18, M20, M55, M60, W35, W40
Brown – 5.8km, 130m, 24 controls – M21, M35, M40, M45, M50, W21
However, Juniors wanting to be considered for selection to the Great Britain team must have entered the following courses, they will be running a slightly shorter course than normal for a middle distance, in order to align with expected JWOC winning times (estimated 20-25 minutes):
Blue – M18, M20
Green – W18, W20, M16
Short Green – W16